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Building a Better Salesforce

Bryan Miller

bryanMiller“Confidence comes not from motivational speeches, charismatic inspiration, wild pep rallies, unfounded optimism, or blind hope.  Confidence is earned by actual achievement, accomplishing stringent performance standards year in and year out, no matter the industry conditions.”
Great by Choice,  Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen

Bryan leverages his 30 years of sales, sales management, and executive sales leadership experience to help provide customized sales performance solutions to meet a business’s unique challenges and/or opportunities.  His specialties include:   

Sales Strategy

Ensuring clients are selling in a manner that is aligned with their overall business strategy and which reinforces their unique business value.

Sales Process

Ensuring clients have a well defined process which is aligned with how their customers buy, and validated by how their top sales performers sell.

Sales Culture

Ensuring the sales organization is seen as a trusted and valued partner by their customers and by other functional departments within the organization.

Talent Development

Ensuring the best sales talent is recruited, on-boarded, and effectively developed into superior salespeople.

Leadership and Coaching

Ensuring sales managers follow a framework for consistently improving the capabilities of their salespeople and for achieving results.


  • 16 time Circle of Excellence member while member of LexisNexis/Matthew Bender
  • While VP and Managing Director of Specialized Law Sales, we achieved revenue and customer count growth for 13 consecutive quarters
  • Selected as point person to lead Matthew Bender/LexisNexis sales integration efforts


  • Married for 15 years to Nancy, a commercial artist
  • Proud parents of a 12 year old American Eskimo

Clients Speak

Performance Technologies